Reviews and ratings

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It's simply explained and empowering.


It's very empowering.


Starting from theory to practical exercises.


It was empowering. I believe with revision and exercising the skills, I will be on my way towards achieving my goal.


I have liked the way you start from known (simplicity) to unknown (complexity) step by step using both theory and practical exercises.


It was an eyeopener for me. I have been looking for this type of knowledge and skills that would enable me to be an inspirational social development expert and I got it from this journey. I will continue practicing what I have learnt.


Very imaginative content, maybe I'm not in a manager position with people in charge. I have to imagine the situations. I would like more solid context.


Easy to follow, once I made the start (stopped procrastinating!) it's good to see the steps on the side of the screen, I like how it combines, writing tasks with videos etc, to make it more appealing and not boring


It is a useful and applicable in my workplace day to day operations. I have liked its step by step explanation and tasks after every stage. This journey matches my learning goal. I have already inspired some people.


the content is very clear. The variation in text and video's is pleasant and inviting to keep on studying. the structure of the lessons is practical. I am learning a lot and my communciaton pittfalls and mistakes are clear to me. However very difficult to implement in daily life.



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