Reviews and ratings

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Check out our user reviews below.

I like the fact that you accompany me, step by step, through my emotions and behaviors and, thus, I am more than eager to continue, I am so curious what is next.


This is only watching a video. I would make this one the 5 minute lesson instead of a learning journey. Or incorporate it in a different journey.


I've never had a more interactive online workshop that records input and provide such awesome tips!


I find it very interesting.


Interaction with others inside the course could help reflections.


I like the flow of this course and I would like to understand how to identify stress in myself and other people so I can help them solve it.


I like the instructions provided, but could not see the usefulness of this journey.


I like it that it guides step by step.


I like the explanations, but the feedback on the given answer is automatically generated. So I think the feedback is too general


The examples don't always feel that relevant.



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