
Online: Leading through uncertainty

Embrace chaos and create the right atmosphere

Leading can be quite challenging, especially in situations where you don't (immediately) know what to do. In such moments, you may quickly resort to what you are familiar with, even if it might not be the best approach.

Sometimes, it's smart to stick with the known approach. But in other cases, it's important to leave room for questions and creativity, especially in uncertain situations.

In the course Leading through uncertainty you will learn:

  • Why not knowing can be a positive thing.
  • How to create an environment where you and your team feel comfortable with not knowing.
  • How to embrace the unknown without hesitation.
  • The role of environment and language.
  • How to embrace chaos.
  • How chaos can lead to creativity.
  • Embrace chaos and stimulate creativity
  • Feel okay with not knowing
  • Reading time: 2 hrs excluding exercises and assignments
  • Duration: 12 hrs (estimated)
  • Spread over: 2-6 weeks

New Heroes Academy, Unlimited learning for your organization

  • Customized solutions for your organization
  • Assistence with implementation and activation
  • Communication & Interaction
  • Teambuilding & Leadership skills
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Vitality & Resilience

In uncertain situations, you often resort to what you already know. And you prefer to ignore things you don't know. As a leader in uncertain situations, it's important to create space for not knowing. To do that, it's necessary to create a suitable environment and atmosphere.

For example, if you remain calm, you can make the right decisions. You can also use language to embrace the unknown and encourage creativity when confronted with a bit of chaos. Every situation is different, but you have a choice between sticking strictly to rules and schedules or taking the time to embrace the unknown.

This course is for:

  • Novice leaders.
  • Leaders seeking greater confidence in their roles.
  • Leaders aiming for a more relaxed work experience.
  • Leaders looking to establish a stronger connection with their team members.

Leading through uncertainty

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