Online: Open-ended questions

I want to ask better questions.

Effective questioning is essential in communication. If you ask questions, you clarify what you want to focus on or what needs to be clarified. Questions also allow you to check if you have understood the other person correctly.

In this course, you will learn how to ask open-ended questions. Open-ended questions typically begin with who, what, where, when, and how. They provide the other person with the opportunity to express their opinion and often reveal deeper insights into their motivations, reasons, and emotions.

  • Theme: Communication and interacton
  • Use questions to deepen the conversation
  • Reading time: 2 hours, exclusive of practice and assignments
  • Study time: 12 hours (estimated)
  • Total duration: 2-6 weeks

New Heroes Academy, Unlimited learning for your organization

  • Customized solutions for your organization
  • Assistence with implementation and activation
  • Communication & Interaction
  • Teambuilding & Leadership skills
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Vitality & Resilience

You learn more when you ask a good question. Instead of making assumptions about what people think, let them speak for themselves. It's always a good idea to practice asking open-ended questions. In both work and private life, questions help you and the other person to learn more. In this training, you are going to experience how you can do this. This learning journey is designed for people who:

• want to use open-ended questions to have better conversations.
• want to make fewer assumptions about the other person
• want to check if they have understood the other person correctly
• want to deepen their conversations and practice asking more detailed questions

Part of the Learning Pathway 21st century skills


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