• Author Amanda Zweers

Six tips to rock your first day at work

You made it! You've been hired and are ready to start your new job. You're really looking forward to it, but you also have some insecurities. How can you be sure to make a good impression? What will you wear? What's the atmosphere like? Are your coworkers nice? Don't despair. With these tips you'll rock your first day at work and the days thereafter.

1. Relax a little

This may well be the most important tip. Relax! You're not the only one who has to acclimatize. Your coworkers and boss also have to get used to the new situation. Don't forget that you were hired because your boss thinks you can do it. Believe this yourself too and radiate confidence. Share your ideas and show that you'll be successful in your new position!

2. Get rid of your old routines 

This is a new beginning. And so, also a perfect moment to throw your old routines "overboard." When you were in school, did you have trouble getting up early, making plans, or setting priorities? You can leave all of that behind you. Set three alarm clocks, create new folders in your inbox, use an organizational app such as Trello, and surprise your team with your perfect planning. Hello, new you!

3. You never know enough

Of course you prepared well for the job interview. But that doesn't mean you now know enough to be successful. Really getting to know an organization takes time. What did your predecessor do? What were some successful projects? Who are your coworkers and what are they good at? And what can you help each other with? Be proactive!

4. Believe that you can do it

Don't believe anything anyone tells you until you've experienced it for yourself. You know what you want, so make sure no one can prevent you from doing it. It may be the first time that you have to do a certain job, task, or project, but why wouldn't you be able to do it? By working out what you can't do and then proving that you CAN do it, you demonstrate that everything is possible. As soon as you believe in yourself, you'll radiate this confidence to others. 

5. Make mistakes

There is no success without making mistakes. Your boss and coworkers don't expect you to know everything. By making mistakes you show that you dare to take risks, proactively approach new things, and take initiative. Admit it when you make a mistake and see what you can learn from it. Always keep asking questions. This is the best way to learn and show that you want to advance.

6. Enjoy! And prove yourself

In addition to bringing uncertainty, being the new guy or gal also has its advantages. You don't know anyone and can fully prove yourself in your new role. Make use of this. Speak out when things become too much for you. You'll see that it's appreciated when you let them know your limits. Enjoy!

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