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High standards of excellence

New Heroes Academy is an experienced partner for personal growth and development. We offer (online) courses to improve soft skills. We aim to make these courses available to anyone, anywhere, anytime.  The quality of our (online) courses is always our number one priority.

Collaboration with experts

From the start of creating and developing a new course, and all throughout the process, we work closely together with our 'masters'. Besides being experts on personal development and online learning, they have a broad and deep competence in terms of knowledge, skill and experience through practice and education in a particular field. 

But we won’t stop there. After our courses have been published online, we keep evaluating and continuously improving them. How? 

  • We collect and analyze data, so we can act swiftly on these bits of extremely useful information. 
  • We embrace innovations in our field, and implement the newest learning methods. 
  • Our platform and the software we use are always up to date.
  • We have a test panel that consists of frequent users. They provide us with valuable feedback regarding our courses. Would you like to join our test panel? Click here.
  • We follow up on our users' feedback, and suggestions for improvement.
  • We work closely together with renowned research institutes to develop and maintain our skills and knowledge.
  • We invite, and coach interns (data science or educational science) to do research and work on their thesis.

Courses that have an impact

We have data and evidence that show the impact of our course. For instance: the online course Focus made our users more aware of their distractors, improved their ability to concentrate and created a change in their lifestyle. 

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