Yvette van der Meer

Yvette is the Team Lead of the Content creation team and also works as an implementation consultant. She is responsible for development, maintenance and expansion of our online courses platform. She helps clients keep personal growth and development with New Heroes Academy top of mind among their employees.

What makes Yvette's job so enjoyable?

Yvette is engaged in many different activities: developing and maintaining the quality of our courses, applying innovations in learning and development to our platform. But also working on exciting new projects with her team. She consults with clients about how they can best implement our courses and get the best results. Basically, Yvette is responsible for everything that ensures that our courses really have an impact on users.

What does personal growth mean to Yvette?

According to Yvette, personal growth is with us always and anywhere. It is inevitable. The only question is: do you recognize it? We learn new things every day. Often it is simple knowledge. For example, how does that new app work on my phone? We'll try to find the right answer, ask around or discover it through trial and error. However, it also affects your behavior. It can confirm that what you were already doing was right. But you can also come to the conclusion that certain behavior is not effective anymore. And then you have to look for a more convenient way to do it. That is personal growth.

Which course does Yvette recommend and why?

Yvette recommends the course 'Focus: learning to concentrate'. Distractions are everywhere. Notifications from apps, emails .... They distract us from what we are doing. And it also causes our brain to keep on the lookout for more, and welcome distractions. It reduces your ability to work in a flow. And that's a pity, because working with concentration and focus makes you complete your tasks quicker, faster and better. This course helps you keep your focus and get rid of your distractions.

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