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Online: Putting things into perspective

I want to learn to keep undesired emotions under control.

External influences can cause stress and lead to emotions, but you play a crucial role in determining your stress levels. The main idea of the RET method is that it's not the situations themselves, but how you think and feel about them, that affects your stress. We all have emotions, whether we show them or not. RET training focuses on changing yourself by changing your thoughts. It can help you handle difficult situations better. By understanding your thoughts and their impact, you've already taken a big step towards this change.

  • Theme: Personal effectiveness
  • Stop letting your emotions run your life
  • Reading time: 4 hours, exclusive of practice and assignments
  • Study time: 24 hours (estimated)
  • Total duration: 4-16 weeks

New Heroes Academy, Unlimited learning for your organization

  • Customized solutions for your organization
  • Assistence with implementation and activation
  • Communication & Interaction
  • Teambuilding & Leadership skills
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Vitality & Resilience

You're eager to embark on this course that helps you put things into perspective. Just like the vast majority of people, you occasionally encounter stressful situations where emotions take over, causing you to behave in ways you'd rather not. Whether it's anger, quick irritation, or deep sadness, you desire to gain control over these emotions to minimize their impact on your well-being. However, once these emotions grip you, it becomes challenging to let go, leading to worry or self-blame, and draining you of negative energy. If you find yourself in this situation, it's time to take action, and you can indeed regain control over your emotions and reduce stress. The RET method is designed to aid you in coping with this type of stress.

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