New Learning Pathway

Online: Learning pathway Onboarding

How to get off to a flying start in your new job.

Knowledge and skills
A new job can be demanding. New people, new objectives. Doing what you were trained for, and at the same time demonstrate professional growth to show them they hired the right person. Getting to know the team, the company, the company culture and your own job. It requires communication skills, a good relationship with your co-workers, and an insight into what your contribution to the team could be. These are exactly the things you'll learn in this learning pathway. 

A new job
What are the do's and don'ts? What are the unwritten rules. What are the lines of communication? How do you manage your own expectations? In addition to your talents and knowledge, these aspects determine how succesful you are going to be, and how your team members will relate to you. 

Off to a flying start
This learning pathway will help you boost the skills you'll need to get off to a flying start. It will speed up your training period and you'll feel more secure and in control at the new job. With this diploma in your pocket you will be able to show that hiring you was your new employer's best decision ever!

Includes the learning journeys: Help, I have a job!, Communicating and Team Roles.

  • 1 learning pathway = 3 online courses
  • Off to a flying start in your new job
  • Reading time: 6-12 hours, exclusive of practice and assignments
  • Study time: 36-60 hours (estimated)
  • Total duration: 4-9 months

New Heroes Academy, Unlimited learning for your organization

  • Customized solutions for your organization
  • Assistence with implementation and activation
  • Communication & Interaction
  • Teambuilding & Leadership skills
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Vitality & Resilience
Includes the learning journeys


All kinds of factors play a role when people communicate. Do we know each other? What do we think of each other? What do I want from you and vice versa? Is my message getting through? Communicating clearly and understandably with the right conversation techniques can be learned. This course will help you.

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My first job

First day at a new job? Or is it your first job ever? Besides being extremely happy about having a new job, you're sure to have a lot of questions. In this course, you'll discover what you can do to make the most out of your collaboration in the workplace

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Belbin's team roles

What role do you take on in a team and is it the best fit? Discover what the different personalities within a team are in this course. And learn how to get the best out of your team, with properly aligned roles.

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For everyone who's new on the job!

In addition to your knowledge and expertise, you'll develop personal growth and understanding. You will have the necessary skills to make an effortless transition into a fun and easy new job. 

You'll be awarded a diploma 'Onboarding' upon completion of this learning pathway. This diploma will help you get off on the right foot in your new job and make a positive impact.

Upon completion of this learning pathway you will be able to:

  • communicate effectively
  • connect with and relate to your co-workers
  • define your 'team role' and how it benefits the team
This is how it works
  • Improve and master a unique skill set
  • Three practical courses that complement each other
  • You decide what, when and where
  • Personal dashboard to monitor your progress
  • Completed learning pathway = diploma

Watch our video demo and take a tour of the platform.

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