Online: Cultural differences (2)

Understanding different perspectives at work

In broad terms, cultures can be classified as either individualistic or collectivist. If you are from an individualistic culture, you may tend to prioritize task completion over relationship-building. On the other hand, if you come from a collectivist culture, you are more likely to prioritize building and maintaining relationships over accomplishing tasks.

  • Theme: Social skills
  • Interact better with your international contacts
  • Reading time: 30 minutes, exclusive of practice and assignments
  • Study time: 12 hours (estimated)
  • Total duration: 1-2 weeks

New Heroes Academy, Unlimited learning for your organization

  • Customized solutions for your organization
  • Assistence with implementation and activation
  • Communication & Interaction
  • Teambuilding & Leadership skills
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Vitality & Resilience

Relationship oriented vs. individual oriented.

Do you always focus on content while your colleague wants to know every last detail of your personal life? Or does your conversation partner recoil when you ask about his or her plans for the weekend? Cultural differences may be at the heart of this mismatch. Understanding if a culture focuses more on relationships (collectivist) or content (individualistic) can give you valuable information on important matters, like how to deal with a new customer. Did you know that two-thirds of the world's cultures focus more on relationships than on content? In this learning journey, you'll learn what that means for dealing with these diverse cultures.

A sneak preview

Check out the sneak preview below. Explore a few chapters and you'll see that our journeys are engaging and activating: online learning can definitely be fun and exciting!


You now have an impression of the learning journey. Would you like to continue learning? Do you want to give yourself a boost? Then let's get started.

Meet the master

Our online courses are written by our "masters." Each one of them is an expert in their field, and they all have many years of experience. Among them you'll find trainers, psychologists, coaches, authors, etc.

The master behind this learning journey is Jim Morris. A charming Englishman who's been living in the Netherlands for the past 20 years. Jim has a wealth of international experience and is the master of our learning journeys on cultural awareness.

Recommendations for courses that are in line with your interests

Cultural differences (3)

Different cultures experience and express a diversity of emotions. In this online course you'll learn when, how, and if it is appropriate to express your own emotions, as well as gain an understanding of how other cultures approach emotional expression.

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Cultural differences (1)

There are cultural differences when it comes to things like truth and loss of face. In this brief course you'll discover the different perspectives of different cultures and different truths.

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Cultural differences (4)

During this short course, you'll have a closer look at other cultures to get a better understanding of why people behave the way they do, due to their different cultural background. Move from allergy to quality. 

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