Online: Cultural differences (3)

Show or hide your emotions?

Although emotions are common to everyone, different cultural backgrounds often have their own expectations on how to express them. For instance, in some cultures, it is encouraged to openly display your emotions, whereas in others, it is viewed as impolite, particularly when it comes to expressing negative emotions.

  • Theme: Communication and interacton
  • Learn how to deal better with cultural differences
  • Reading time: 30 minutes, exclusive of practice and assignments
  • Study time: 1 hour (estimated)
  • Total duration: 1-2 weeks

New Heroes Academy, Unlimited learning for your organization

  • Customized solutions for your organization
  • Assistence with implementation and activation
  • Communication & Interaction
  • Teambuilding & Leadership skills
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Vitality & Resilience

Emotions are universal. However, depending on your cultural background, people also have their own ideas about how one should express themselves. In one culture, it's seen as better to show your emotions. While in another culture expressing emotions, especially negative ones, is considered impolite

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Meet the master

Our online courses are written by our "masters." Each one of them is an expert in their field, and they all have many years of experience. Among them you'll find trainers, psychologists, coaches, authors, etc.

The master behind this learning journey is Jim Morris. A charming Englishman who's been living in the Netherlands for the past 20 years. Jim has a wealth of international experience and is the master of our learning journeys on cultural awareness.

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