Online: Expressing your emotions

I want to be able to say how I feel

Did you know that expressing your feelings increases your happiness and makes you more authentic and popular? But really being able to talk about your feelings can be quite difficult. In addition to being able to choose the right words, you also have the summon up the courage to do it. Are you afraid that people will respond negatively? Do you think you're at risk of looking foolish? Or do you not know how to find the right words? By dealing with your emotions in a positive way and paying attention to your breathing, you can respond in the right manner. Will you be able to express your feelings more easily after completing this learning journey?

  • Theme: Vitality and resilience
  • How to express your feelings without being mean
  • Reading time: 2 hours, exclusive of practice and assignments
  • Study time: 12 hours (estimated)
  • Total duration: 2-6 weeks

New Heroes Academy, Unlimited learning for your organization

  • Customized solutions for your organization
  • Assistence with implementation and activation
  • Communication & Interaction
  • Teambuilding & Leadership skills
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Vitality & Resilience

Research has shown that expressing your feelings makes you more authentic and popular. Your feelings of happiness also increase. That alone makes this learning journey worth doing. Is it difficult for you to show your emotions? How do you summon the courage for this, and how can you formulate your feelings properly into words? In short, are you willing to express your feelings openly and honestly? You will know how to approach this after completing this learning journey.

Everyone has emotions and feelings, though some people show them and some don't. It might even be strange or unthinkable for you to show your emotions or express your feelings in your environment. That doesn't mean you don't have them and can't do something positive with them. So take away from this training everything that will help you, and what you feel good about, without embarrassing yourself. But don't forget that you have to dare to step out of your comfort zone to learn to express your feelings.


You now have an impression of the learning journey. Would you like to continue learning? Do you want to give yourself a boost? Then let's get started.

Meet the master

Our online courses are written by our "masters." Each one of them is an expert in their field, and they all have many years of experience. Among them you'll find trainers, psychologists, coaches, authors, etc.

Ernestine is the creative force behind a range of learning journeys. Her goal is to make learning fun and to teach practical skills that really help people grow.

Recommendations for courses that are in line with your interests

Emotional intelligence

Your emotional intelligence (EQ) appears to be twice as important as your IQ. It's about what you do with your knowledge and how you arrive at solutions and ideas working together with others! You will learn about that and more in this course.

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Tune in to your feelings

"How do I really feel?" Learn how to become aware of your feelings, how they affect the way you behave and how they influence the decisions you make.

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In this course, you'll practice with different exercises to expand your mindfulness. You can decide which exercises work for you, but to become more mindful you must practice.

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