
Online: Dealing with transgressive behavior

Discussing sexual misconduct, bullying and cyber harassment

Making fun of someone, a dirty joke or a hand brushing against someone's behind...these are all forms of behavior that is transgressive. While it may seem normal that this type of behavior is definitely NOT okay, many people experience it in their lives. You may be one of them.

In this online course you'll learn to determine, recognize, prevent and do something about unwanted behavior like (sexual) harassment or (cyber)bullying. Whether you are a volunteer, an employee or a manager. Discover where your boundaries lie and learn how to discuss and clearly communicate them. Learn how to stand up for yourself and/or for someone else.

Protect yourself and others against unwanted behavior and learn how to create or provide a safe environment.

  • Theme: Vitality & Resilience
  • Recognizing/preventing behavior that crosses personal boundaries
  • Reading time: 2 hours, exclusive of practice and assignments
  • Study time: 12 hours (estimated)
  • Total duration: 2-6 weeks

New Heroes Academy, Unlimited learning for your organization

  • Customized solutions for your organization
  • Assistence with implementation and activation
  • Communication & Interaction
  • Teambuilding & Leadership skills
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Vitality & Resilience
About the online course...
  • Determining and recognizing boundary crossing behavior.
  • Setting clear personal boundaries.
  • Standing up for yourself and for others.

Are you wondering what behavior is considered transgressive? Do you want to learn how to recognize transgressive behavior? Have you or someone you know experienced transgressive behavior? Were you a bystander? Were you a victim?

Only when you're aware of what transgressive behavior entails can you take action. Once you recognize it, you can decide not to ignore it (anymore) and seek help, either for yourself or for someone else.

With audio/video training, role-play and other practical assignments you can safely practice within this learning platform. You'll build up experience and self-confidence and will be able to understand what you can or should do when you encounter such situations in real life.

Dealing with transgressive behavior

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