Whitepaper: Insights for more work vitality

Today, sustainable employability is a hot topic everywhere we turn – we read about it online, hear about it on the radio, and talk about it in management team meetings.

In this whitepaper, we'll look at the four essential ways you can create sustainable employment, vitality of the work force and workplace happiness. Read on if:

  • Your workforce is drowning under an ever-increasing workload
  • Stress and fatigue are on the rise among employees in your organization; so is the number of burn-outs. You are struggling to attract and keep talented staff; it’s a struggle to find the right people
  • Your current workforce can’t keep up with changes in the job market
  • You're lacking a work-life balance in your organization

What you will learn:

  1. Why you should care about employee burn out, what the benefits are of preventing burn out.
  2. Why some people DON'T burn out, according to scientific research.
  3. Why engagement is such a crucial factor when it comes to sick leave, and how you can create more engagement.
  4. How an energized workforce and lower sick leave can translate into significant savings for an organization.
  5. And we challenge you to think about how you can keep your most talented staff from job-skipping to the competition.

Have no fear, New Heroes is here! If your team or organization is struggling with creating workplace happiness, fill in your details, and download the whitepaper on the next page.

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