New course: Leading through uncertainty

As a leader, you often find yourself in situations where you don't immediately know what to do. Especially in times of uncertainty, as many companies are experiencing now, your team looks to you for guidance. That can be challenging because, well, you're only human, and it's difficult to remain confident when you're not sure what's going to happen exactly. In such moments, you tend to fall back on what you know, even if that might not be the best approach.

Change is the only constant...

...and uncertainty is the only thing we can be sure of. At times, you might not respond optimally to the unfamiliar. You put aside your emotions and attempt to logically resolve the issue. You strive to eliminate uncertainty to minimize the risk of errors. You hesitate to embrace the unfamiliar. It's no surprise that you often attempt to steer clear of it. Yet, consider looking at uncertainty through a different lens, as it can lead to failure, but it can also lead to success, of course!

How will you motivate your team to generate diverse and innovative solutions?

Enhance Your Leadership Skills

In our course named "Leading through Uncertainty," you will work on elements like your thought processes and emotions. You will practice creating a suitable environment for dealing with the unknown. This will involve refining your language and timing skills, as well as exploring techniques for enhancing creativity.

  • You'll learn to use your compass: do you listen to your intellect or your feelings?
  • You'll discover how your calmness influences making the right decisions.
  • You'll notice how your words affect others' feelings and reactions.
  • You'll see chaos as an opportunity to clean the slate and prepare for something new.

Your Leadership Style: Embrace the Chaos

Every situation is unique. As a leader, you do have a choice. Will you tightly hold onto rules and schedules, or will you take the time to embrace the uncertainty of the unknown? Chaos is the epitome of not knowing. It's where creativity and new ideas emerge. What's your approach going to be?

Start this course, which is part of the Team Development and Leadership theme.

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