Marieke Looijen-de Jonge

Marieke serves as our implementation coach. She guides our clients from the outset of our collaboration to ensure the success of New Heroes Academy. Her role involves assisting with the integration of the learning platform within your organization and staying in touch regarding trends, the most appropriate learning pathways, and the best activation tools.

What makes Marieke's job so enjoyable?

Marieke finds the variety of tasks she handles very rewarding. It brings her into contact with numerous companies, each with its unique ambitions and challenges. Making a positive impact on employees' (personal) development through the New Heroes platform is truly exciting! Furthermore, she collaborates with a dedicated team to achieve organizational objectives and enjoys considerable autonomy in her role.

What does personal growth mean to Marieke?

Marieke resonates with a quote by writer Paulo Coelho that perfectly aligns with how she feels and sees things: "With desire as the roadmap and your soul as the compass, your feet know where to go."

Which course does Marieke recommend and why?

Vitality and resilience are also crucial themes for organizations. Employees who are vital and resilient tend to be happier, more productive, experience less absenteeism, and develop greater sustainable employability.

Marieke has personally experienced what it feels like when vitality and resilience suddenly decline. Recovery was a part of her personal growth journey. She wholeheartedly recommends vitality courses within this theme as a preventive measure.

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