Bart Coppens

Bart is head of IT. He is also a member of our management board.

What makes Bart's job so enjoyable?

When you take our courses, you learn skills that facilitate personal growth, taught by excellent trainers and with innovative use of technology. For him, there is no better combination, and it's great fun to work with his team on this valuable combo.

What does personal growth mean to Bart?

Personal growth is a primary need for Bart. After all, to stand still is to regress. And as Einstein said, "If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got." The only way to create change in your life is to do things differently: improve your skills to grow and develop as a person.

Which course does Bart recommend and why?

According to Bart, they are all highly recommended, but he particularly recommends the longer courses. Because the more you practice, the bigger the chance that you succeed in changing behaviors. Which course would be the one for you, depends on your needs and wants. That is why we created the Personal Development Scan. Take the test and find out for yourself.

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