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Online: Project management

Everyone has to complete projects in their life. Often work-related, but also at home, like a block party, a wedding, moving into a new house, or planning a weekend trip. Managing a project means: being responsible for organizing the entire operation. You oversee everything. You know who's working on what, when it has to be finished and you also keep track of the budget. But where to start and how to proceed? 

There are many different ways to lead a project. You may recognize terms such as, Agile, GOTIK or Prince2. Which method fits best depends on the project, but also on the preferences of those involved. Are you managing a reorganization of the company, the implementation of new software, the building of a new storage facility? Or are you finally getting started with remodeling the kitchen? No matter what type of project you're involved in, each one follows roughly the same pattern.

Step 1: Initiation

Start with making an estimation of the size of the project. What is included as part of the project and what isn’t. What's the budget? How many people and materials are needed and available? Are there risks involved? If so, what are they?

When determining the scope of a project, make sure the priorities are defined. You can use the MoSCoW-method to do that. You determine what your Must haves, Should haves and Could haves are. And also some of the remaining wishes that are interesting but will probably not play a key role: the Won't haves.

Tip: Maybe your project doesn’t need an extensive project plan, but it is always good to set up a clear framework. What is the goal, the budget and who are part of the project team? This provides direction.

The success of the project depends partially on how well you are able to balance Money, Time and Quality. If you want to get a better result (Quality), it will cost more (Money and/or Time). Focusing and anticipating on these key elements - even very early on - can either make or break your project.

Step 2: Planning

What needs to be done? By whom? Within what time frame?

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