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Online: How to get started with agile

Agile working requires a flexible, quick and well-coordinated approach. With a small team you work on the development of a product in short development cycles, quickly and flexibly responding to everchanging demands and focusing on continious improvement.

When a client does not really know what it is he wants, or cannot visualize it yet, an agile approach will enable him to see the product grow step by step, and in the meantime leave enough time for adjustments along the way. 

What do you need when you want to adopt this agile approach and become as agile as a cheetah? 

As agile as a cheetah 

A cheetah is very athletic and flexible, and for sure the fastest animal in the world. As sprinting at such mega speeds burns up a lot of energy, a cheetah has to be careful in managing its energy levels and try to be smart instead. 

Be smart and efficient in the use of your time and energy, and make sure you apply these skills:

  1. Focus
  2. Giving and receiving feedback
  3. Setting boundaries
  4. Creative thinking
  5. Dealing with setbacks

Read the following tips and acquire the skills to become the best agile team player.

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