Hello supporter!

You have been asked to be a supporter, how exciting! Find answers to all the questions you have.

  • What is New Heroes Academy?
  • What is a supporter?
  • What is my role?
  • What do I have to know?
  • How much time does take?
  • Am I a suitable supporter?
  • What else can I do to help the other person?
  • What happens to my answers?
  • Can I provide feedback using a different method than email?
  • What should I do if I don't want to be a supporter?
What is New Heroes Academy?

New Heroes Academy is an online platform where people can work on their personal development. We offer a wide range of training courses in the following areas:

  • Communication & Interaction
  • Vitality & Resilience
  • Team Development & Leadership
  • Personal Effectiveness
What is a supporter?

During the courses, students have the option to invite a supporter to assist them with the assignments. A supporter is someone from their personal circle whom they believe can provide help with the tasks. You have been asked by a student to be their supporter.

What is my role?

You are being asked to be a supporter for a reason, whether you are a colleague, family member, or a good friend. You can help the other person by providing feedback, reviewing their assignments, or being a source of motivation. The specific expectations will be outlined in the invitation email.

What do I have to know?

It is important to understand that the person who has asked you to be their supporter is working on a topic in which they want to further develop themselves.

Please keep the following in mind:

  • Don't expect expert-level knowledge.
  • Be honest in your feedback, but remember that the feedback is entirely in text. The learner cannot see your face or hear your voice. Pay attention to the words you use.
  • Occasionally, give compliments as well. They are always motivating.
How much time does it take?

That depends on how much time you invest in it. It can take just a few minutes, but if you also want to provide support in the daily practice, it may require more time (see also: What else can I do to help the other person?).

Tip: Choose a quiet moment so that you can fully concentrate on the supporter's request. Once you click 'Send', the person who asked for your feedback will receive it.

Am I a suitable supporter?

You have been asked to be a supporter for a reason. The person who asked you believes you are suitable. If you still have doubts or are unsure if it's right for you, answer these questions:

  • Do you want to help the other person?
  • Are you willing to provide honest feedback?

If you answered yes to both questions, then you are a suitable supporter.

What else can I do to help the other person?

As a supporter, you are involved in one or more parts of the course. You can make your role even more valuable by occasionally asking the other person how they're doing. This can be done in person, through email, or a short message. By staying engaged, you continue to support the other person, which motivates them to keep going.

What happens to my answers?

Your answers are securely stored within the course of the person who invited you. They are the only one who can access and view your response.

Can I provide feedback using a different method than email?

Absolutely! In the email requesting feedback, you can specify that you have already given feedback through alternative means, such as a phone call or in a conversation.

Alternatively, you can indicate that you prefer to provide feedback at a later time. We can then offer you the option to set a reminder directly in your calendar.

What should I do if I don't want to be a supporter?

It's possible that you don't have the time or don't feel comfortable being a supporter. That's totally fine.

It would be helpful to let the person who invited you know about your decision. This way, they will be aware that they won't receive feedback from you and can consider asking someone else.

You can find the option to indicate that you don't want to be a supporter in the email where you are requested to provide feedback.

Do you have a question?