Heembouw's vision, "We create spaces where people want to be", is also relevant to our own staff. That is why, in 2020, we are striving to be the most valued employer in the industry - capable of optimally developing the talents of our people. In November 2018 we won the Cobouw Award for Best Employer, something we are extremely proud of. However, as happy as we may be with the award, we want to achieve even more. Ambitious? Absolutely, but we are fully committed to making a difference to our clients, and that starts with our staff.

No one can ever be done with learning!

That is why we stimulate development, because we believe in life-long learning. For years we have been doing this through classic training programs, internal workshops, and now it can also be done online. More and more people are finding travelling for workshops and being away from work, to be problematic.

With online training programs you can learn when and where you want, and they have short cycles. Ideal! For quite some time we have been offering our staff unlimited access to online courses to keep their professional knowledge up to date. Now we have also added personal skills to the offer

Since our staff has done an online course together, receiving feedback feels like a gift!

Our enthusiasm motivates others

! It is important to us that, every now and then, our people can take a step back to think and talk about what is working well and what can be improved, and what role they can or want to play in it, now, and in the future. For that reason everyone has a buddy and/or a coach.

Just recently we had to train ten new coaches. They were very enthusiastic to start in practice and are now developing the necessary skills via New Heroes Academy's online courses. Together they have started a learning journey and, once completed, we will evaluate what they have learned and how they can apply that. On top of that they also follow individual learning journey. Me too. Our enthusiasm motivates others to also start working with New Heroes Academy!

Now receiving feedback is a gift!

Let's be honest: finding time for an online training course can sometimes be troublesome, especially when it is busy, and working on your own development often gets moved to the side. We have noticed that people are more successful if they follow a learning journey as part of a team, if their coach motivates them, or if it is linked to a developmental or end-of-year appraisal.

For example, many people from one of our teams found it rather difficult giving and receiving feedback. However, now that they have completed an online course together, giving and receiving feedback feels like a gift!"

The better you truly understand one another, the better the results are that you can achieve together

NICO-JAN VAN ES, Chief executive officer

"For me, New Heroes Academy offers broad development in moments that fit into my schedule. The versatility of the training courses develops me on a personal level, enabling me to achieve even more in the work place."

PAUL DENISSEN, Project manager

"Thanks to the digital environment, I can choose a time that I would like to work on a learning journey. Personally I find it more efficient and ideal to work on it at home. Through the different learning journeys I continue to develop myself as a manager. My soft skills, especially, are developed, and that is not only good for me, but also my team. For instance, it has taught me the importance of listening to my environment. The better you truly understand one another, the better the results you can achieve together."

MARCEL SMEETS, Company director

"New Heroes Academy: a great soft skill training program for a satisfying life, to determine what you, personally, or as a team, would like to achieve, which actions are necessary, and how to take the necessary action. From a personal learning journey, to a team learning journey, New Heroes Academy delivers an excellent result and insight for us as a learning and innovative Heembouw organization, through which culture and connection are optimally merged."

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