Do away with your procrastinating behavior!

Would you - eventually - like to achieve your goals? Do you finally feel that you have the discipline to complete a training program? Are you making resolutions? New Heroes can help! We have two brand new functions to help you successfully reach the finish line - your goal.


When was the last time that you worked on your personal goals and ambitions? Some people do make the time for it, it forms a part of their routine, and, despite the hustle of the day, they make the time to develop themselves. Day in, day out. Year in, year out.

But then again, most people are different. They feel each day's hustle and bustle, sucking up their time and energy, while the to-do list seems never-ending. And in between all that, they also try to be a good and fun partner, parent, friend, and colleague. Does it seem familiar?

While in the meantime you also have ambitions that you would like to work on. If only you had something to keep you going and motivated... New Heroes can lend a hand! We have two brand new functions on our platform, that helps you to keep your commitment to yourself, your goals, and your ambitions. How?

  1. Setting a deadline

Do you know the feeling? Having a plan, but the plan is a little vague. You want to 'develop more', but yes, implementation is just as vague as that sentence. By attaching a deadline to your goal, you make it a little more tangible! And that is precisely what you could do now. And yes, of course we will remind you as your deadline approaches.

  1. In your agenda at the click of a button

Okay, setting a deadline is very important. But, if you don't make commitments to yourself about when you would like to work at achieving your goals, the deadline can seem rather unrealistic. Our second new function is setting your very own learning rhythm. You determine exactly when you would like to work, and with one click it is saved in your schedule.

Involve your supporters

We all know that it is much easier to ignore a commitment that you have made to yourself, than to another person. If you involve other people in your goals you will get ahead much faster, and it becomes easier to break old habits. This is possible with our new supporter tool. A function unique to New Heroes. Your supporters help you to remember your goals. And that is how you create a supportive and motivating environment from your own office or home.

New Heroes is constantly evolving to help you achieve your personal, team, and organizational goals. Have you thought of a way that we can help make achieving your goals even easier and more fun? Well, we would like to hear it! Let us know via or 073-844 9910.

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