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Online: Use Microsoft Word effectively

Job applications, resumes, reports...everyone has used Microsoft Word one way or the other. It allows users to type and customize text in a graphic environment that resembles a page of paper. But Word has more features. You can manipulate and layout your text, have it reviewed by others and see their comments and edits. You can add visuals, check your spelling, add page numbers, simultaneously work on a document with team members, and more.

Depending on your goal, you can do a lot with Word. From a simple text to a document that is entirely customized and designed according to your wishes.

1. Typing a text

Whether you are a student or working with a company, if you have to type a text, you will probably use Word. When writing a good text, the following questions are very important:

  • What do I want to accomplish?
  • What is the target audience of my text?

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