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Online: To do or not to do....

It's one of those days again… Your mailbox is about to burst, you still need to make that phonecall. Oh, right, almost forgot about that payment that needs to be made. Who was going to do the groceries today? And you'd better start planning your best friend's bachelor party!

Is your to-do list longer than the time you have...again?

Where to start? And how to decide which item to tackle first?

Every activity might look equally as important as the other and you might think that if you work hard enough, you'll be able to finish each and every one of them. But in reality you will probably never see the end of your list, even if you roll up your sleeves and start working. 

Time to call in the troops. And who better than Supreme Commander of the allied forces and 34th president of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower himself. People say he was one of the most productive persons to ever walk the face of the earth. How did he do that?

Actually, with a quite simple method: determine what is important now, what you can delegate to others and what you can ignore. No rocket science, right? That is why it is easy to apply his techniques to your daily routine. 


"What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important."

-Dwight D. Eisenhower-


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