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Online: How to get started with Scrum

Does your line of business require you to anticipate on imprecise, undetailed and everchanging requests and demands from your clients? Then flexibility is what you need. An agile methodology provides you with that flexibility.

A specific example of Agile at Work is Scrum. Initially, Scrum was predominantly used in the world of IT. Nowadays you'll find Scrum teams in organizations and companies that want to be ready to deal with this dynamic way of providing solutions to customer's constant changing needs and demands.

Small, independant, multi-disciplinary teams use Scrum to intensively collaborate and work on (increments of) a product or a solution. Within Scrum, three elements are essential: 

  1. Team roles
  2. Collaboration
  3. Work structure

1. Team roles

There are three different team roles within a Scrum team.

1. The product Owner
This person represents the client's interests. Or rather, the interests of all stakeholders. This person determines what needs to be done (features of the product) and prioritizes them. 

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