Profile of Schouten Global integrated coaches

With a coach from Schouten Global what you get is quality. Every coach is accredited and certified; for example, by the International Coach Federation (ICF), the Dutch Order of Professional Coaches (NOBOCO), the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) or the European Coaching Association (ECA).

Every Schouten Global coach has furthermore, at least three years of coaching experience and guides the coachee on three different levels of learning: Thinking, Feeling and Doing. In this process, the individual potential of the coachee is always central.

Specialists in online coaching

Naturally, the ideal coach for New Heroes’ Coaching Combination package is one who is experienced with online coaching. The coach has been trained by Schouten Global as an integrated coach. He or she will know which tools best apply, in order to start, accelerate, deepen and retain knowledge from remote learning. Tools could be part of the New Heroes’ trainings, but also face-to-face consultations, online messaging, skype, video or telephone.

With coaching by Schouten Global the New Heroes Combination package speeds up the learning process. This ensures lasting personal growth and helps the coachee to achieve the best possible results. If you would like to know more about the Coaching Combination package, please contact us.

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