Activation kit

Your company and New Heroes Academy 

New What?

Great! A membership with access to more than 200 online soft skill courses. But how do you make New Heroes Academy a big success within your organization? One very important step is making sure the implementation of New Heroes Academy is communicated clearly to your employees. The 'Why' and 'How' of the benefits. And, if you would like to link New Heroes Academy to your own competency profiles, we'll be happy to help you out! Make sure you create the best possible alignment.

On this page you will find everything you'll need to succesfully kick off and embed New Heroes Academy in your organization.

Step 1: Be well prepared

At this stage you'll collect information from the employees who are selected to work with New Heroes Academy, in order to obtain a license for all. And, may we give you some advice? Allocate some time in your calendar (in 1, 2, 5, 9 and 12 months' time) to revisit this activation page and initiate follow-up action.

Communicate repeatedly what New Heroes Academy is, why it is being offered and what the added value is. This will ease the implementation process and will make 'learning with New Heroes' a common practice within your organization.


Step 2 - The Kick-off

Month 1
We provide a kickoff meeting to create a flying start of New Heroes Academy within your organization. The primary focus of the meeting is the importance of personal growth and development and how to put New Heroes Academy into practice on a daily basis. Following the kickoff meeting, make sure you pay ongoing attention to the (physical) visibility of New Heroes Academy in the workplace. 

Step 3 - Fire up!

Month 2-4
Are your co-workers fired up? Then, get going! Implementation works best by taking small steps. One simple step is to include New Heroes Academy in the HR/performance cycle. This ensures that New Heroes Academy remains a topic of conversation between manager and co-worker. Managers play a key role, when it comes to personal development of their employees. Make managers partially responsible for the development of their people. Need help? We also offer a workshop for managers, in which - among other things - an activation plan is created. In the workshop they also learn about intrinsic motivation and giving feedback online.


Step 4 - Compare, learn and make an impact

Month 5-8
Now it's time to learn from each other.
Managers can discuss which methods of activating people were most effective and which ones didn't work. We also offer a workshop on this topic.

Users can also learn from each other's experiences. How? Schedule time for evaluations, or assign co-workers to take up the role of supporter.

When you want to create an even bigger impact, consider making use of e-coaching. An online coach is very helpful when it comes to encourage someone to move forward and/or take the next step. 

Step 5 - Keep on going, the only way is up!

Month 9-12

Good to know: making New Heroes Academy your primary focus should be a top priority within your organization. Our Learning Dashboard provides insight in and monitors the (anonymized) progress of employees. By analyzing your company learning data you will be able to decide at an early stage if or when to take action.

Do you want to encourage employees to put in more time and effort? Set up a (unexpected) hero points competition. Challenge teams and individuals to learn and reward them for doing so. Or create a work space where co-workers can work on their New Heroes Academy courses.


Step 6 - Embed

From 1 year forward
Embed New Heroes in your organization to be the most effective and get the best results. Create a learning environment that aligns with your company's strategies and goals. However, this requires dedicated effort on your part. At this stage it's important to repeat step 2 'activation' up until the last one 'keep on going' and repeat them frequently. 

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